Amy SpencerJan 5, 2023Open to Work: Corporate Communications ConsultantsIt’s a new year, new budgets, new strategic goals for 2023. That means leaders are thinking through how to support new initiatives and how t
Amy SpencerJul 7, 2022Predictors of the Rise of Solo TalentLast week I found this fascinating old video and wanted to share it with you. Fifty-eight years ago, futurist Arthur C. Clarke predicted...
Amy SpencerMay 25, 2022Evo Celebrates 5 Years 🥂Today marks the fifth anniversary of Evo Communications, as well as my own personal leap into the world of entrepreneurship.
Amy SpencerApr 28, 2022Get Smart about Executive CommunicationsLast week I was honored to facilitate a panel of executive communications leaders. The event was designed to share best practices related t
Amy SpencerJun 24, 2020Evo Communications Certified By the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council Evo Communications is proud to announce its national certification as a woman-owned business by WBENC.
Amy SpencerDec 17, 2019Finding My Fill LineThe day I decided to start Evo Communications, I looked at the “cup” that was my career and recognized it was sorely in need of a refill.