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Our Talent

These corporate communications consultants are strategically vetted and ready to seamlessly integrate into your business.

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Expert Storyteller: Streamlining Communications Through Effective Brand Positioning

This consultant believes the heart is in the content. She is expert at using words to develop smart, creative and sustainable communications programs for consumer brands. Her work includes new product introductions, corporate storytelling and strategic planning to effectively position an organization and support operational growth. 

With a background in large global organizations, she is prepared to step in and make a difference on day one, working with cross-functional teams to bring brand experiences to life.  


  • Content development

  • Storytelling

  • Brand journalism

  • Editorial communications


Immediate availability, up to

20 hours per week  

Expert Storyteller
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Builder of Trust and Engagement, Storyteller and Events Engineer

As an interdisciplinary and strategic communications leader, this consultant showcases an impressive track record of fueling brand growth, building trust, enhancing engagement, and boosting revenue. Her success extends to building communications and marketing functions in newly established roles within regulated, matrixed organizations.  


Proficient in demonstrating the impact of communication, marketing, and events investments, she takes a strategic approach to planning—aligning activities with strategic priorities while ensuring coherence with the brand. With a formal background in communications and graphic design, she possesses a comprehensive understanding of both verbal and visual storytelling excellence.  


  • Executive communications  

  • Internal communications   

  • Marketing communications & PR  

  • Event planning  

  • Brand development  


Immediate availability, up to

15 hours per week

Builder of Trust
Strategic Thought Leadership
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From Strategic Thought Leadership to Flawless Execution

As an accomplished, insightful and responsive marketing and communications professional, this consultant brings a unique blend of thought leadership, goal-oriented communication planning, and campaign execution.  


With a track record of solving complex problems in fast-paced and deadline-driven environments, she excels in developing high-impact internal and external communication strategies.   


  • Strategic thought leadership

  • Crisis communications and reputation management

  • Social media strategy and content development

  • Corporate event development and execution

  • Elevating brand voice into cohesive, compelling narratives


Immediate availability, up to

20 hours per week  

Supported and appreciated

I learn something from Amy every time we work together. When she selects you for a
project team, it’s because your skills and experience match exactly what the client
needs. This helps consultants onboard quickly and make a difference for clients from
day one. Amy takes great care of the people who partner with her. I feel supported and appreciated throughout every project.
- Evo consultant

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Minneapolis, MN

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